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Welcome to Perth County

Make 2016 the year you explore the diversity of Perth County – from the meandering rural roads to the culture of our heritage towns.

Meredith (Mert) Schneider
Warden of Perth County

From the meandering rural roads to the culture of our heritage towns, Perth County is a diverse and vibrant collection of communities - where lush, rural farmland and backcountry roads intersect with arts and culture, where historic architecture mingles with some of the newest culinary trends. Perth County serves up a diverse range of memorable experiences, whether you’re travelling as friends, as a couple or as a family.

Whether it’s a day trip or a longer holiday - stop, shop and dine in Perth County’s four friendly municipalities. The City of Stratford famously lives up to its “Dramatically Different” slogan with world class theatre on four stages. Discover St. Marys, best known as Stonetown because of the preponderance of area limestone. Rich history, natural beauty, trails and rivers meander throughout Perth County - a fascinating place to discover no matter the mode of transportation you choose - by foot, bike, car, even paddleboat.

Did you know that Perth County’s agri-food sector generates 1.5 to 2 million dollars a day - more than six of Canada’s ten provinces? Find out how by taking a crop tour along the scenic roads, hiking trails, or snowmobile trails that interconnect this agriculturally diverse and very friendly rural-based community. In the late summer, after the crops have been harvested, plan a road trip to see the many creative straw sculptures that will appear along the roadsides, setting the stage for a unique display of agricultural art.

In September, attend the Perth County Farm-Gate Dinner where all the food has been locally raised and grown and is deliciously prepared by local food experts.

While discovering Perth County this year, use your imagination - think outside your suitcase to uncover hidden gems and go on a great adventure! Find out why...